Meet Our Facilitators



Joanie Mankus

Joanie with horseProgram Director

Joanie Mankus is a professional Gestaltist who partners with horses to support individuals going through subtle or significant life transitions. Whether an individual is experiencing challenges related to family, relationships, career, or health issues, Joanie’s professional coaching leads clients to regain a clearer sense of their wholeness, purpose, and passion for living a fully expressed life. 

As an LCSW for nearly 10 years, Joanie counseled teens, families, and adults with a variety of life narratives including marital struggles and divorce, children of dysfunctional families, teen pregnancy, addiction, and trauma. She was a member of a first response crisis team at the Columbine high school tragedy. Throughout her professional career, Joanie has experienced firsthand how neglecting the inner human condition can manifest itself in tragic and negative ways. Deep introspection and self-study led her to examine the patterns, limiting beliefs, and behaviors that prevent people from moving forward in their lives with joy. Her extensive study in the field of Gestalt has offered both her and her clients’ solutions that break the cycle and allow change to happen organically. 

Joanie is proud to serve as the Program Director of Hope Held by a Horse. She continues to serve as Director and Secretary for Hope Through Horses, an organization dedicated to providing funding for organizations and individuals committed to and involved in improving the lives of individuals and horse partners through the Equine Gestalt Coaching Method. In addition, Joanie is a part-time instructor in the Touched by a Horse Equine Gestalt Coaching Certification Program based in Elizabeth, Colorado, and founded by EGCMethod® creator Melisa Pearce. Joanie also owns her own fulfilling private practice called Authentic Strides. She holds a Masters in Social Work from St. Louis University and is a Certified Equine Gestalt Coach.

Authentic Strides

Daelyn Marie Larché-Sigman

Women and horse touching noses

Equine Gestalt Coach

I have a passion for spreading positivity and inspiration to others I meet in my life every day. I was an elementary school teacher for 22 years but decided to leave the profession in 2019 in order to follow my dream of helping others heal. I became a certified Equine Gestalt Coach and started my coaching business called Joyful Spirit Coaching soon after leaving the field of teaching.

When my son, Austin, was diagnosed with cancer at age 14 in 2010, I knew I had to find something to do to care for myself so that I would be a good caretaker for my young son. I learned many forms of crafting and began a small business centered around sharing products that spread joy. I became a certified Reiki Master Teacher and completed Healing Touch training at Level 3. I know that the most important piece of my journey with my son was discovering my true purpose in life- helping others heal trauma and live life in joy.

I lost my son to cancer two weeks after he turned 17 in 2013, and felt it was important to learn everything I could about my life through the experience. I later went on to earn my 200 hr certification as a therapeutic yoga instructor in order to offer others another way to find healing, peace, and happiness in their daily lives. I also studied under Dr. Amit Sood, Professor of Medicine at the Mayo Clinic, to become a facilitator of his Stress Management and Resiliency Training program.

When I’m not coaching, I enjoy being with my husband and oldest son doing fun things like paddle boarding, four-wheeling in our cool Jeep, and hanging with my horses. I love animals and spend a lot of time hanging out with my dogs. I am a wanna-be mermaid and dream of one day living in a house near the beach with my horses.

Zoe Moraitis

Zoe MoraitisEquine Gestalt Coach, Coach Liaison

I have been a horsewoman for many years and have always been drawn to the natural ways horses heal people, whenever I was and am around horses I feel an immediate sense of peace, calm, and happiness. For as long as I can remember I have known I wanted to do something with horses and something to help people. In high school, I discovered Equine Gestalt Coaching and after personally experiencing the powerful and life-changing healing of horses and gestalt I discovered my life’s purpose. In 2021 I completed the Touched By a Horse Equine Gestalt Coaching Method Certification and became a certified Equine Gestaltist.

Being a gestaltist I am combining my passions of guiding and assisting people on their life journeys with the natural power of horses through gestalt with my business Mindful Harmony Coaching, LLC; In both where I grew up, Lakewood, CO, and where I got my start with horses, Littleton, CO. I have the joy of coaching women, teens, and young adults through whatever part of their life’s journey they may be on in both one on one sessions and group settings. When I am not doing my main gig of gestalt coaching, I am feeding my other passion through teaching others how to take care of, work with, and ride horses in a way that honors, values, and listens to the horse first.

Julie Meyers

Julie MeyersEquine Gestalt Coach

Julie Meyers is a master gestaltist who partners with horses to help humans heal the wounds of deep trauma. She works primarily with women who are aware of issues from their own childhood they don’t want to pass on to their children, and that they don’t want to recreate in relationships. Toxic relationships, sexual trauma, abuse, and neglect cause limiting beliefs that can paralyze us from moving through life in healthy ways. Julie also works with couples who desire a truly unique way of understanding themselves and each other. She supports her clients to uncover their negative patterns, discover who they truly are, and discard limiting beliefs they hold about themselves so they can move through life in joy. Julie has been an elementary school teacher for 18 years and has seen the effects of trauma on children and families, and on academic and social-emotional development. She has experienced firsthand that when we release the negative effects of stored trauma, we experience freedom. Her ultimate goal is to inspire others to find and become their dreams so that joy becomes the norm.

She is dedicated to empowering women to find themselves, stand in their truth, and truly love and embrace who they are. She is equally dedicated to educating others about the healing power of horses, and how much animals truly matter in our lives.

The true gift of the Equine Gestalt Coaching Method is the combination of the profound healing of Gestalt + the power of horses to heal + positive coaching + somatic awareness.

Julie is a dual certified graduate of the Equine Gestalt Coaching Method. She also owns her own rewarding private practice called Serenity Horse. She holds a Masters in Bilingual Education from the University of Colorado, Boulder, and is a dually Certified Equine Gestalt Coach.

Cheryl Pierce

Cheryl PierceEquine Gestalt Coach

I say I have been around horses since before I was born, I was in my Mom’s stomach while she tended to the horses. Horses were my best and truest friends, and horses saved my life…period. I grew up in the San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles, CA in the 70s and 80s I spent much time alone on the back of my horse in the hills. I did not understand any of the science or woo woo nature of the horse then, I just knew it was the only time I felt really at peace. I was a Valley Girl, by definition of the 80s movie, and attended the Animal Studies Biological Sciences / Zoo Magnet at North Hollywood High School. I have worked since I was 13, during the summers and after school till I graduated. During the 90s I worked as an Investigator for a Private Investigative Company mostly tailing suspects for Workers Comp Cases.

I became a Domestic Violence Victims Advocate in the Los Angeles Police Department’s D.A.R.T. program. It was healing for me as I had been a victim myself. I enjoyed working together with the D.A.R.T. Officers and the camaraderie within the department. I was testing with several police departments during this time and made the decision to not pursue this line of work as I ultimately decided I was not comfortable with the possibility I could be in a situation to take a life, no matter how justified it may be. I still loved the thrill of investigating.

I decided to work in security, in the private sector and spent five years in Retail Loss Prevention. I then worked for Twentieth Century Fox in Corporate Security and had the pleasure of working closely with many departments in the course of my work there. I was a Reserve Officer with The Los Angeles School District Police Department during this period as well.

I took a few years off to take care of sick parents and made a move to the Boulder County area of Colorado. I was a Property Manager in Boulder, Colorado for over 8 years and currently work for Touched By A Horse in Elizabeth, Colorado.

In 2018 trying to find a way to share with others, the amazing connection I had always felt around horses, I found Melisa Pearce’s program for Equine Gestalt Coaching at Touched by a Horse. It was quite literally the road map to everything I was unable to articulate and more than I ever knew was possible.

I graduated from the EGCM Certification Program in 2020 and the GCM Certification program in 2022. I am a dual-certified Master Gestaltist™. I believe in the Butterfly effect. I am passionate about offering my service to First Responders and I feel a connection with them and understand the bond they share. If the work I do touches one First Responder’s life and they are able to unburden their unfinished business, I know all the other people they come in contact with will be positively affected. Asking for help is brave, there is NO shame in it and …Equus is listening, and so am I.

All Ears Coaching

Chris Chapman

Equine Gestalt Coach

I have always been a survivor: an abusive childhood and relationships, breast cancer, and 20+ years of single parenthood are just some of the challenges I’ve faced. But I hit my bottom at age 63. A near-death experience as the result of a horse accident resulted in a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and debilitating PTSD that left me broke and brokenhearted, feeling that everything I had worked for or thought was important was gone. My ability to do my artwork was compromised for months and I was often alone, waffling back and forth between crippling anxiety and depression. I had to attach to something that made sense to me. I needed some kind of validation, something that called me, something literally worth living for. As I had when my daughter needed healing, I listened to my intuition, which guided me to the Touched By A Horse Equine Gestalt Coaching program. The three years of training to become a certified EGCM coach was an unexpected journey, helping me to reach a profound level of healing, and to connect – and re-connect – even more deeply with the horses in my life and heart.

I have been a privileged recipient of and witness to the healing power of Equus over the course of my training, and I now look back at each of my horses with the realization that they were willingly doing their healing work for Kaytie and me for years before I truly understood it. Each horse has had a different life lesson to teach me – even the accident that nearly killed me, has saved me. Each one of them called me in so they could teach me and show me a different heartfelt way. These magnificent sentient beings have all encouraged me to follow and trust my intuition, open my heart, find my voice and speak my truth. They have encouraged me to listen deeply to them, and to listen to and trust my heart. They have helped me heal.

And now it is my honor and privilege, in partnership with my horses Woody and Skye, to combine Gestalt coaching with the healing power of horses, art, and the natural world; to share and coach others along their healing journeys from trauma and life transitions, with the intention of helping them live lives that are not merely about surviving, but thriving. I look forward to working with you.

Brenda Moberly

Equine Gestalt Coach

I am proud to be a 2017 Graduate of the elite Touched by a Horse Equine Gestalt Coaching Method Certification Program. This two year curriculum includes over 400 hours of intensive hands on Core training, comprehensive weekly classes, private coaching sessions and a written exam. This certification also requires continuing educational requirements.

I am nature and animal lover. I have rescued, and hand raised many species of animals. When I was 12, I rode my bike 5 miles out of town and purchased 2 horses with my babysitting money, (without my parents knowledge or permission). I have shared my life with horses ever since. I am a small breeder of quality Paint and Quarter Horses. I am compelled to enrich other’s lives with these incredible beings, and to preserve & ensure the heritage of the all-around horse lives on. I have competed/shown horses in my past, but now focus on honoring the wisdom and healing gifts the horses have to share with us. I have two beautiful daughters & am blessed to live with my animals. I enjoy taking photos of sunrise and sunsets, and of animals both domestic and wild. I hope you enjoy my photos I have included on this site.

I thank the Good Lord for leading me to Melisa Pearce and the Touched By a Horse Certification Program, as I am called to Make a Difference.

Kelli Rose Lanphere

Equine Gestalt Coach

About Kelli Rose – Inspired Possibility Coach & Gestaltist
Inspired to Make a Difference … H O M E S … H O R S E S … H O P E …
I grew up “in the country”. From the very beginning, I related to my horses as friends – they were family to me. I trained my own horses and became a top, competitive barrel racer in Texas. I attended Baylor University and graduated with a BA in Journalism then moved to Denver. Over the last 39 years, I developed a very successful real estate practice as an Associate Broker/Co-Owner with RE/MAX Cherry Creek. While I enjoyed living in Cherry Creek for many years, I’ve always been a “country girl” at heart and I eventually found my way back to a more rural lifestyle. My Family and I now live on a small 1-acre “ranchette” in Lakewood with our Fur Babies (3 Horses, 2 Dogs, and a Kitty). I love spending time with my Family, Friends & Fur Babies. I also enjoy music, cooking, golfing, hiking, campfires, hanging out in the barn, laughing & having good old-fashioned fun. I have always been committed to “Making a Difference” and, I am passionate about helping others create the “life they have imagined” through a journey of self-discovery inspired by the wisdom of horses. I am a Touched By a Horse Certified Equine Gestaltist. I am also a Touched By a Horse Licensed Facilitator.

About Inspired Cowgirl Coaching
My mission, in partnership with my Horses, is to help everyone discover their inspiration and live a life filled with freedom, passion, joy, and purpose.

I Partner with my Horses to help People Experience their Freedom, Discover their Passion, Find their Joy, Live their Purpose, and Pursue Dreams that INSPIRE their SOUL.

I Specialize in Helping Women get Unstuck, Connect with their Intuition, and Begin Living an Inspired Life.

I look forward to working together!

Annette Price

Equine Gestalt Coach

Annette Price is a certified Equine Gestalt Coach through Melisa Pearce’s Touched By a Horse Certification Program. It taught her Gestalt theory and coaching methods which have added more direction and focus to her healing practices.

She grew up in Missouri and spent a lot of time on the family farm. This produced her love for horses at an early age. She believes horses have an amazing ability to read the energy of everything that comes their way. She moved to Colorado in 1973 and has been in love with its beautiful country and varied terrain ever since. Her horse, Lakota, has been teaching her a new way of interaction, that has quietly woven into other arenas of her life, and enriched her personal journey on earth in ways that she never dreamed were possible.

Along with six other writers, she has self-published two books of memoirs. Please visit her blog at On the Wings of a Horse is the result of her years of practical study, coupled with a strong desire to make a difference in the world, and her passion for the strength and beauty of her horse buddies.

Ashara Morris

Equine Gestalt Coach

Ashara Morris has spent most of her life in the company of animals, so it is no surprise that her passion and calling have been to help others understand themselves through animals.

Horses are a huge part of Ashara’s gestalt (a German word meaning “wholeness”) training. While the coaching does not have to be done with horses, it has an expanded dimension when the input of the horse is present for the client. Ashara and the animal work together to help the client find that part of themselves that has been hidden from them. The result is the release of what can be years of trauma, upset, and buried emotions, with the client feeling lighter, and more able to walk through the world with confidence and love. Helping the client let go of habits and behaviors that have been holding her back from being her true self is where this process excels. All that “stuff” is left on the arena floor, and the client comes away renewed, refreshed, and with a bright new outlook on life.

To become adept at this type of coaching, Ashara attended a two-year, 240+ hour intensive training for her certification. This included hours of class work, reading and studying a variety of books on everything from temperament to business skills, and 8 very intense weekends where she practiced her craft and also did her own personal work. Once certified, she has had to continue her studies to stay up-to-date on processes and techniques. She graduated in 2020 from an additional 2-year Gestalt Coaching Method(TM) program to deepen her knowledge of the Gestalt methodology.

As an animal communicator, Ashara has helped hundreds of people with their animals, from grief over the aging and loss of a valued friend to behavioral issues that are usually more than they appear on the surface. She speaks with animals who are living or who have crossed over the rainbow bridge.

Margery Olde

Equine Gestalt Coach

Hi, I’m Margery Olde. For years the trolls of low self-esteem and depression have clung to me like a heavily weighted vest. Living with depression and low self-esteem has been a drag, debilitating, and exhausting to hide from the world, to say the least. I tried talk therapy a few different times with only limited success. I learned a few, good tools to help me manage my trolls, but I was never able to evict them from my body. The last therapist I tried was trained in gestalt (not that I knew what that was at the time) but our experiences together helped me anchor into my body an awareness that I COUNT! Fast forward a few years, when again, I was almost over-run with despair and seeking help, I stumbled across Touched By A Horse. I remember thinking at the time: “Ya, I want to be touched by a horse!”, and so, decided to give it (what I now know is Equine Gestalt Coaching) a try because: (1) I was desperate, and (2) I have always had an affinity with animals. I am grateful that I did, because now I feel the best that I have ever felt, and people tell me that I look and seem so much lighter. I feel the difference too! Now, after two years of intense training, I am a Certified Equine Gestaltist, and am ready to support others on their path. Please visit my website at for more information about my services. Thank you.

Gwen Regenwether

Volunteer Coordinator

I am so moved by my interactions with the horses and the connections I made with the coaches and the women. The ability for a horse to teach you to command your body and mind was so profound to me. I was always excited to attend this event but I had no idea it would make the impact on my life like it has.

On Dec 31, 2020, I was diagnosed with HER2+ stage IIB breast cancer. I was told that this was induced by pregnancy. So, with a 2-year-old and 14-month-old, I had 6 rounds of TCHP, bilateral mastectomy, and 20 rounds of radiation. I am in current treatment with Kadcyla.

I have been married to my loving husband, Justin, for 9 years, we have two beautiful girls, Molly and Maisey , and a chocolate lab, Abby. I am a Registered Nurse and have worked in Cardiology, Emergency Room, Medical floors and currently working away from the bedside focusing on documentation and quality reviews. I love cooking, baking, and gardening.

Before my diagnosis, I had planned to start horseback riding lessons and find an organization to volunteer. That was all put on hold.

After I was diagnosed, I knew that God was going to show me His purpose with this journey. When I came across Hope Held by a Horse everything came full circle for me. I just know that I am supposed to be a part of this program. I couldn’t believe how my interactions with my horse, Gracie, truly changed me in such a small amount of time. A weight was lifted that I didn’t even know needed to be. This experience is life changing! I am so excited to be the Volunteer Coordinator for Hope Held by a Horse.


Joanie Mankus

Joanie with horse

Program Director

Joanie Mankus is a professional Gestaltist who partners with horses to support individuals going through subtle or significant life transitions. Whether an individual is experiencing challenges related to family, relationships, career, or health issues, Joanie’s professional coaching leads clients to regain a clearer sense of their wholeness, purpose, and passion for living a fully expressed life. 

As an LCSW for nearly 10 years, Joanie counseled teens, families, and adults with a variety of life narratives including marital struggles and divorce, children of dysfunctional families, teen pregnancy, addiction, and trauma. She was a member of a first response crisis team at the Columbine high school tragedy. Throughout her professional career, Joanie has experienced firsthand how neglecting the inner human condition can manifest itself in tragic and negative ways. Deep introspection and self-study led her to examine the patterns, limiting beliefs, and behaviors that prevent people from moving forward in their lives with joy. Her extensive study in the field of Gestalt has offered both her and her clients’ solutions that break the cycle and allow change to happen organically. 

Joanie is proud to serve as the Program Director of Hope Held by a Horse. She continues to serve as Director and Secretary for Hope Through Horses, an organization dedicated to providing funding for organizations and individuals committed to and involved in improving the lives of individuals and horse partners through the Equine Gestalt Coaching Method. In addition, Joanie is a part-time instructor in the Touched by a Horse Equine Gestalt Coaching Certification Program based in Elizabeth, Colorado, and founded by EGCMethod® creator Melisa Pearce. Joanie also owns her own fulfilling private practice called Authentic Strides. She holds a Masters in Social Work from St. Louis University and is a Certified Equine Gestalt Coach.

Authentic Strides

Daelyn Marie Larché-Sigman

Women and horse touching noses

Equine Gestalt Coach

I have a passion for spreading positivity and inspiration to others I meet in my life every day. I was an elementary school teacher for 22 years but decided to leave the profession in 2019 in order to follow my dream of helping others heal. I became a certified Equine Gestalt Coach and started my coaching business called Joyful Spirit Coaching soon after leaving the field of teaching.

When my son, Austin, was diagnosed with cancer at age 14 in 2010, I knew I had to find something to do to care for myself so that I would be a good caretaker for my young son. I learned many forms of crafting and began a small business centered around sharing products that spread joy. I became a certified Reiki Master Teacher and completed Healing Touch training at Level 3. I know that the most important piece of my journey with my son was discovering my true purpose in life- helping others heal trauma and live life in joy.

I lost my son to cancer two weeks after he turned 17 in 2013, and felt it was important to learn everything I could about my life through the experience. I later went on to earn my 200 hr certification as a therapeutic yoga instructor in order to offer others another way to find healing, peace, and happiness in their daily lives. I also studied under Dr. Amit Sood, Professor of Medicine at the Mayo Clinic, to become a facilitator of his Stress Management and Resiliency Training program.

When I’m not coaching, I enjoy being with my husband and oldest son doing fun things like paddle boarding, four-wheeling in our cool Jeep, and hanging with my horses. I love animals and spend a lot of time hanging out with my dogs. I am a wanna-be mermaid and dream of one day living in a house near the beach with my horses.

Zoe Moraitis

Zoe Moraitis

Equine Gestalt Coach, Coach Liaison

I have been a horsewoman for many years and have always been drawn to the natural ways horses heal people, whenever I was and am around horses I feel an immediate sense of peace, calm, and happiness. For as long as I can remember I have known I wanted to do something with horses and something to help people. In high school, I discovered Equine Gestalt Coaching and after personally experiencing the powerful and life-changing healing of horses and gestalt I discovered my life’s purpose. In 2021 I completed the Touched By a Horse Equine Gestalt Coaching Method Certification and became a certified Equine Gestaltist.

Being a gestaltist I am combining my passions of guiding and assisting people on their life journeys with the natural power of horses through gestalt with my business Mindful Harmony Coaching, LLC; In both where I grew up, Lakewood, CO, and where I got my start with horses, Littleton, CO. I have the joy of coaching women, teens, and young adults through whatever part of their life’s journey they may be on in both one on one sessions and group settings. When I am not doing my main gig of gestalt coaching, I am feeding my other passion through teaching others how to take care of, work with, and ride horses in a way that honors, values, and listens to the horse first.

Julie Meyers

Julie Meyers

Equine Gestalt Coach

Julie Meyers is a master gestaltist who partners with horses to help humans heal the wounds of deep trauma. She works primarily with women who are aware of issues from their own childhood they don’t want to pass on to their children, and that they don’t want to recreate in relationships. Toxic relationships, sexual trauma, abuse, and neglect cause limiting beliefs that can paralyze us from moving through life in healthy ways. Julie also works with couples who desire a truly unique way of understanding themselves and each other. She supports her clients to uncover their negative patterns, discover who they truly are, and discard limiting beliefs they hold about themselves so they can move through life in joy. Julie has been an elementary school teacher for 18 years and has seen the effects of trauma on children and families, and on academic and social-emotional development. She has experienced firsthand that when we release the negative effects of stored trauma, we experience freedom. Her ultimate goal is to inspire others to find and become their dreams so that joy becomes the norm.

She is dedicated to empowering women to find themselves, stand in their truth, and truly love and embrace who they are. She is equally dedicated to educating others about the healing power of horses, and how much animals truly matter in our lives.

The true gift of the Equine Gestalt Coaching Method is the combination of the profound healing of Gestalt + the power of horses to heal + positive coaching + somatic awareness.

Julie is a dual certified graduate of the Equine Gestalt Coaching Method. She also owns her own rewarding private practice called Serenity Horse. She holds a Masters in Bilingual Education from the University of Colorado, Boulder, and is a dually Certified Equine Gestalt Coach.

Cheryl Pierce

Cheryl Pierce

Equine Gestalt Coach

I say I have been around horses since before I was born, I was in my Mom’s stomach while she tended to the horses. Horses were my best and truest friends, and horses saved my life…period. I grew up in the San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles, CA in the 70s and 80s I spent much time alone on the back of my horse in the hills. I did not understand any of the science or woo woo nature of the horse then, I just knew it was the only time I felt really at peace. I was a Valley Girl, by definition of the 80s movie, and attended the Animal Studies Biological Sciences / Zoo Magnet at North Hollywood High School. I have worked since I was 13, during the summers and after school till I graduated. During the 90s I worked as an Investigator for a Private Investigative Company mostly tailing suspects for Workers Comp Cases.

I became a Domestic Violence Victims Advocate in the Los Angeles Police Department’s D.A.R.T. program. It was healing for me as I had been a victim myself. I enjoyed working together with the D.A.R.T. Officers and the camaraderie within the department. I was testing with several police departments during this time and made the decision to not pursue this line of work as I ultimately decided I was not comfortable with the possibility I could be in a situation to take a life, no matter how justified it may be. I still loved the thrill of investigating.

I decided to work in security, in the private sector and spent five years in Retail Loss Prevention. I then worked for Twentieth Century Fox in Corporate Security and had the pleasure of working closely with many departments in the course of my work there. I was a Reserve Officer with The Los Angeles School District Police Department during this period as well.

I took a few years off to take care of sick parents and made a move to the Boulder County area of Colorado. I was a Property Manager in Boulder, Colorado for over 8 years and currently work for Touched By A Horse in Elizabeth, Colorado.

In 2018 trying to find a way to share with others, the amazing connection I had always felt around horses, I found Melisa Pearce’s program for Equine Gestalt Coaching at Touched by a Horse. It was quite literally the road map to everything I was unable to articulate and more than I ever knew was possible.

I graduated from the EGCM Certification Program in 2020 and the GCM Certification program in 2022. I am a dual-certified Master Gestaltist™. I believe in the Butterfly effect. I am passionate about offering my service to First Responders and I feel a connection with them and understand the bond they share. If the work I do touches one First Responder’s life and they are able to unburden their unfinished business, I know all the other people they come in contact with will be positively affected. Asking for help is brave, there is NO shame in it and …Equus is listening, and so am I.

All Ears Coaching

Chris Chapman

Equine Gestalt Coach

I have always been a survivor: an abusive childhood and relationships, breast cancer, and 20+ years of single parenthood are just some of the challenges I’ve faced. But I hit my bottom at age 63. A near-death experience as the result of a horse accident resulted in a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and debilitating PTSD that left me broke and brokenhearted, feeling that everything I had worked for or thought was important was gone. My ability to do my artwork was compromised for months and I was often alone, waffling back and forth between crippling anxiety and depression. I had to attach to something that made sense to me. I needed some kind of validation, something that called me, something literally worth living for. As I had when my daughter needed healing, I listened to my intuition, which guided me to the Touched By A Horse Equine Gestalt Coaching program. The three years of training to become a certified EGCM coach was an unexpected journey, helping me to reach a profound level of healing, and to connect – and re-connect – even more deeply with the horses in my life and heart.

I have been a privileged recipient of and witness to the healing power of Equus over the course of my training, and I now look back at each of my horses with the realization that they were willingly doing their healing work for Kaytie and me for years before I truly understood it. Each horse has had a different life lesson to teach me – even the accident that nearly killed me, has saved me. Each one of them called me in so they could teach me and show me a different heartfelt way. These magnificent sentient beings have all encouraged me to follow and trust my intuition, open my heart, find my voice and speak my truth. They have encouraged me to listen deeply to them, and to listen to and trust my heart. They have helped me heal.

And now it is my honor and privilege, in partnership with my horses Woody and Skye, to combine Gestalt coaching with the healing power of horses, art, and the natural world; to share and coach others along their healing journeys from trauma and life transitions, with the intention of helping them live lives that are not merely about surviving, but thriving. I look forward to working with you.

Brenda Moberly

Equine Gestalt Coach

I am proud to be a 2017 Graduate of the elite Touched by a Horse Equine Gestalt Coaching Method Certification Program. This two year curriculum includes over 400 hours of intensive hands on Core training, comprehensive weekly classes, private coaching sessions and a written exam. This certification also requires continuing educational requirements.

I am nature and animal lover. I have rescued, and hand raised many species of animals. When I was 12, I rode my bike 5 miles out of town and purchased 2 horses with my babysitting money, (without my parents knowledge or permission). I have shared my life with horses ever since. I am a small breeder of quality Paint and Quarter Horses. I am compelled to enrich other’s lives with these incredible beings, and to preserve & ensure the heritage of the all-around horse lives on. I have competed/shown horses in my past, but now focus on honoring the wisdom and healing gifts the horses have to share with us. I have two beautiful daughters & am blessed to live with my animals. I enjoy taking photos of sunrise and sunsets, and of animals both domestic and wild. I hope you enjoy my photos I have included on this site.

I thank the Good Lord for leading me to Melisa Pearce and the Touched By a Horse Certification Program, as I am called to Make a Difference.

Kelli Rose Lanphere

Equine Gestalt Coach

About Kelli Rose – Inspired Possibility Coach & Gestaltist
Inspired to Make a Difference … HOMES … HORSES … HOPE …
I grew up “in the country”. From the very beginning, I related to my horses as friends – they were family to me. I trained my own horses and became a top, competitive barrel racer in Texas. I attended Baylor University and graduated with a BA in Journalism then moved to Denver. Over the last 39 years, I developed a very successful real estate practice as an Associate Broker/Co-Owner with RE/MAX Cherry Creek. While I enjoyed living in Cherry Creek for many years, I’ve always been a “country girl” at heart and I eventually found my way back to a more rural lifestyle. My Family and I now live on a small 1-acre “ranchette” in Lakewood with our Fur Babies (3 Horses, 2 Dogs, and a Kitty). I love spending time with my Family, Friends & Fur Babies. I also enjoy music, cooking, golfing, hiking, campfires, hanging out in the barn, laughing & having good old-fashioned fun. I have always been committed to “Making a Difference” and, I am passionate about helping others create the “life they have imagined” through a journey of self-discovery inspired by the wisdom of horses. I am a Touched By a Horse Certified Equine Gestaltist. I am also a Touched By a Horse Licensed Facilitator.

About Inspired Cowgirl Coaching
My mission, in partnership with my Horses, is to help everyone discover their inspiration and live a life filled with freedom, passion, joy, and purpose.

I Partner with my Horses to help People Experience their Freedom, Discover their Passion, Find their Joy, Live their Purpose, and Pursue Dreams that INSPIRE their SOUL.

I Specialize in Helping Women get Unstuck, Connect with their Intuition, and Begin Living an Inspired Life.

I look forward to working together!

Annette Price

Equine Gestalt Coach

Annette Price is a certified Equine Gestalt Coach through Melisa Pearce’s Touched By a Horse Certification Program. It taught her Gestalt theory and coaching methods which have added more direction and focus to her healing practices.

She grew up in Missouri and spent a lot of time on the family farm. This produced her love for horses at an early age. She believes horses have an amazing ability to read the energy of everything that comes their way. She moved to Colorado in 1973 and has been in love with its beautiful country and varied terrain ever since. Her horse, Lakota, has been teaching her a new way of interaction, that has quietly woven into other arenas of her life, and enriched her personal journey on earth in ways that she never dreamed were possible.

Along with six other writers, she has self-published two books of memoirs. Please visit her blog at On the Wings of a Horse is the result of her years of practical study, coupled with a strong desire to make a difference in the world, and her passion for the strength and beauty of her horse buddies.

Ashara Morris

Equine Gestalt Coach

Ashara Morris has spent most of her life in the company of animals, so it is no surprise that her passion and calling have been to help others understand themselves through animals.

Horses are a huge part of Ashara’s gestalt (a German word meaning “wholeness”) training. While the coaching does not have to be done with horses, it has an expanded dimension when the input of the horse is present for the client. Ashara and the animal work together to help the client find that part of themselves that has been hidden from them. The result is the release of what can be years of trauma, upset, and buried emotions, with the client feeling lighter, and more able to walk through the world with confidence and love. Helping the client let go of habits and behaviors that have been holding her back from being her true self is where this process excels. All that “stuff” is left on the arena floor, and the client comes away renewed, refreshed, and with a bright new outlook on life.

To become adept at this type of coaching, Ashara attended a two-year, 240+ hour intensive training for her certification. This included hours of class work, reading and studying a variety of books on everything from temperament to business skills, and 8 very intense weekends where she practiced her craft and also did her own personal work. Once certified, she has had to continue her studies to stay up-to-date on processes and techniques. She graduated in 2020 from an additional 2-year Gestalt Coaching Method(TM) program to deepen her knowledge of the Gestalt methodology.

As an animal communicator, Ashara has helped hundreds of people with their animals, from grief over the aging and loss of a valued friend to behavioral issues that are usually more than they appear on the surface. She speaks with animals who are living or who have crossed over the rainbow bridge.

Margery Olde

Equine Gestalt Coach

Hi, I’m Margery Olde. For years the trolls of low self-esteem and depression have clung to me like a heavily weighted vest. Living with depression and low self-esteem has been a drag, debilitating, and exhausting to hide from the world, to say the least. I tried talk therapy a few different times with only limited success. I learned a few, good tools to help me manage my trolls, but I was never able to evict them from my body. The last therapist I tried was trained in gestalt (not that I knew what that was at the time) but our experiences together helped me anchor into my body an awareness that I COUNT! Fast forward a few years, when again, I was almost over-run with despair and seeking help, I stumbled across Touched By A Horse. I remember thinking at the time: “Ya, I want to be touched by a horse!”, and so, decided to give it (what I now know is Equine Gestalt Coaching) a try because: (1) I was desperate, and (2) I have always had an affinity with animals. I am grateful that I did, because now I feel the best that I have ever felt, and people tell me that I look and seem so much lighter. I feel the difference too! Now, after two years of intense training, I am a Certified Equine Gestaltist, and am ready to support others on their path. Please visit my website at for more information about my services. Thank you.

Gwen Regenwether

Volunteer Coordinator

I am so moved by my interactions with the horses and the connections I made with the coaches and the women. The ability for a horse to teach you to command your body and mind was so profound to me. I was always excited to attend this event but I had no idea it would make the impact on my life like it has.

On Dec 31, 2020, I was diagnosed with HER2+ stage IIB breast cancer. I was told that this was induced by pregnancy. So, with a 2-year-old and 14-month-old, I had 6 rounds of TCHP, bilateral mastectomy, and 20 rounds of radiation. I am in current treatment with Kadcyla.

I have been married to my loving husband, Justin, for 9 years, we have two beautiful girls, Molly and Maisey , and a chocolate lab, Abby. I am a Registered Nurse and have worked in Cardiology, Emergency Room, Medical floors and currently working away from the bedside focusing on documentation and quality reviews. I love cooking, baking, and gardening.

Before my diagnosis, I had planned to start horseback riding lessons and find an organization to volunteer. That was all put on hold.

After I was diagnosed, I knew that God was going to show me His purpose with this journey. When I came across Hope Held by a Horse everything came full circle for me. I just know that I am supposed to be a part of this program. I couldn’t believe how my interactions with my horse, Gracie, truly changed me in such a small amount of time. A weight was lifted that I didn’t even know needed to be. This experience is life changing! I am so excited to be the Volunteer Coordinator for Hope Held by a Horse.

You were all so warm and compassionate and gently pushed me out of my comfort zone just enough, but not too much. It was a pleasure to spend the day with all of you and your equine friends.

Jen G.


Phone: (720) 316-6178
Email : [email protected]

Program Location:
Harmony's Heart Coaching
4685 CO Rd 106
Elbert, CO 80106

12035 N Piney Lake Rd
Parker, CO 80138

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